
To make the investment process more efficient and their investment more profitable in Poland and Ukraine, many firms have called upon the expertise of EbPartners. EBPARTNERS'Group provides its clients with international solutions tailored to the Polish and Ukrainian market, primarily in e-business and B2B. EbPartners’ solutions have served many well-known clients including FIM-CONSULTING and several Chambers of Commerce. |
EbPartners Poland
Ul Sukiennice 1-2/7 50-107 Wroclaw
Poland Tel+48 71 343 74 40
Tel+48 71 343 74 28 Fax+48 71 343 74 27
EbPartners France Ltd
2, rue Thiers 94500 Champigny
Tel +33 1 48 81 15 17
EbPartners Ukraine
Consulting Poland - Recruitment - Polish market research - Business center - investistments - Activities Develppement - Market studies - Domiciliation - local assistance - Make your firm in Poland - organisation of events - Relocation - Polish subsidiaries offshore - call centers - Hotline - Telemarketing - Consulting in Ukraine - Lviv - Ukrainian consultants - Russia - Ural - finding business partners in poland, market analysis - Central and eastern Europe, CEE, consulting, Consulting services, market entry, partner, distributor, agent - strategic consulting - subcontracting - research of partners - commercial prospection - compagny establishment - Eastern europe - Subcontracting - Business intelligence - Commercial prospection - Polish workers - Hiring top polish managers - Domiciliation in Poland - Rent an office in Wroclaw - poland company formation - Polish representative office formation - virtual office Wroclaw